About Burgh Beautiful Linlithgow
Burgh Beautiful Linlithgow aims to enhance the Royal Burgh of Linlithgow's historic environment through its horticultural, environmental and community activities, encouraging civic pride and making the town more attractive to visitors. We take a ‘whole town’ approach, not just focussing on the town centre, and provide most of its floral displays throughout the year.
Since the local authority (West Lothian Council) withdrew all its funding for seasonal planting in 2015, Burgh Beautiful has adopted all the former Council displays (with some amendments to the balance of planting). This was achieved thanks to wonderful financial and voluntary support from local individuals, groups and businesses, even taking responsibility for ‘high amenity’ grass cutting where required for the setting of our displays - greatly valued assistance which still continues.
Burgh Beautiful's volunteers, along with community partners, now maintain 124 hanging baskets, 98 planters/barrels and 35 flowerbeds. In addition, the work of our community gardeners in the town centre is particularly impressive. Complementary activities, some by other parts of the Linlithgow Burgh Trust, include the encouragement of wildlife and wildflowers, promotion of sustainable materials such as peat-free compost, anti-litter initiatives, heritage interpretation and events, working with schools, tourism promotion, public art, tree planting and fund-raising events.
We have regular seasonal activities throughout the year, mostly concerned with planting. Summer is the busiest time! We have summer plants in the beds, tubs and hanging baskets in time for the Marches, with our Plant Sale at the beginning of June and usually an Autumn Fair at the end of September. In winter, we make wreaths in time for Christmas, and have stalls at Linlithgow's Advent Fayre. Spring is the usual time for most of the litter picks.
Have a look at the bottom of this page for the latest on what is planned for the coming months!
Anyone can come along and help out with the activities. We would love to see new faces as well as the familiar faces. If you would like to join our merry band of volunteers, or if you would like to sponsor our floral displays, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
What's coming up
Inviting Gardens
On the weekend of 29th and 30th June, thirteen gardens in Linlithgow will be open to the public. Programmes are for sale in Far from the Madding Crowd at £5 each.
What's been happening recently
Cycle Ramp Clearing
A group of volunteers spent a couple of hours clearing the wild flower area at the cycle ramp to give the wild flowers the best chance next year. Yellow rattle will be planted to try to control the grass growing in the bed.
The following plants were recorded in June 2023 at the cycle ramp:
Bramble, Bird’s-foot trefoil, Bugle, Cat’s-ear, Cleavers, Clover (red and white), Cranesbill, Common mallow, Common mugwort, Common vetch, Corn cockle, Corn marigold, Cow parsley, Cowslip, Creeping buttercup, Daisy, Dandelion, Dead nettle, Dock, Dog rose, Everlasting pea, Few-leaved Hawkweed, Field-speedwell, Forget-me-not, Foxglove, Herb-Robert, Herb Bennet, Hogweed, Kidney vetch, Knapweed, Lady’s bedstraw, Lady’s smock, Meadow buttercup, Meadow vetchling, Meadowsweet, Mouse-ear hawkweed, Nettle, Nipplewort, Ox-eyed daisy, Plantain, Primrose, Poppy, Red campion, Rough Hawk’s-beard, St John’s-wort, Scabious, Scarlet pimpernel, Self-heal, Sheep’s sorrel, Shepherd’s-purse, Sow thistle, Spear thistle, Spotted Medick, Stitchwort, Thyme-leaved sandwort, Violet, Vipers Bugloss, Willowherb, Yarrow, Yellow rattle.
Tidying Up Beds for New Volunteers
A raised bed at Dovecot Park, next to Springfield Primary was cleared out ready for Bonnytoun Nursery to take it over. The Lennox Memorial Cairn bed at Kettil'stoun was also cleared out ready for new volunteers to take it on. Thanks to all those who turned out to assist, including the supply of refreshments from the neighbours of the raised bed at Dovecot Park. Much appreciated.
Planting Up of Hanging Baskets
Thanks to all the volunteers who helped to empty the hanging baskets; those who filled them with new compost; those who filled them with the plants to keep the town looking good through the summer; and those who will replace the old baskets with the new ones around the town.
Cycling Without Age Scotland (CWAS)
CWAS Linlithgow will be taking people around some of the Burgh Beautiful beds in their fabulous trishaws again this year as well as other route about the town.
The aim of CWAS is to enhance and enrich lives by giving passengers access to the beautiful outdoors through trishaw rides, access which is denied to so many people simply because of age or limited mobility.
For more information CWAS can be found at https://cyclingwithoutage.scot/ and the local Linlithgow volunteers can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Cycling-Without-Age-Scotland-Linlithgow-109763881476835/.
If you would like to book a trip in a Linlithgow trishaw then contact them on 07835938469. A text to the number is preferable as the phone is not continually monitored, but a message can be left if phoning and someone will get back to you.
Trees, Trees Beautiful Trees
For an update on what has been happening at Rosemount Park and Triangle Community Wood, including a list of the tree types in the park click here.
Gold Award in the RHS Britain in Bloom 2022 'Town' Category
We are delighted to report that Linlithgow has been awarded a 'Gold' medal by the Royal Horticultural Society in the 2022 Britain in Bloom UK finals.
Not only that, but we came a close second to Amersham who won the 'Town' category and, given that Amersham also won two of the four judges' discretionary awards available and then went on to win the overall prize for the best UK entry, Our convenor Ron Smith thinks that we did pretty well all told!
This was followed by a judges' 'surgery' at which the high quality of our entry was kindly commended and useful information was given about how our entry could have been improved.
A massive credit to absolutely everybody in Burgh Beautiful and all in the wider community who have worked so hard to make Linlithgow so beautiful, not only for the judges but to give pleasure to all our townspeople and visitors, all year round.
If you are interested in getting involved in any Burgh Beautiful activities, including administrative tasks if you are not particularly 'green fingered', please contact Jean Long (Tel 01506 843461 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). We look forward to your support in whatever way you would like to contribute.